Though Ideals lie deep in dreams, It's not out of reach as it seems
Name: Nicholas Khaleb
IG Handle: @nickhaleb
I hold no love nor hate, I simply exist. For nearly the entirety of my life, that’s how I felt as an Indonesian, it’s merely a fact not a source of pride or shame for myself. Being proud of where you’re born or attributing universal values specific to a nation feels strange to me. I never really thought of what it means to be as a citizen of a nation and carried on with my life.
That all changed until I dove deep into political ideology/philosophy and how such ideas can be used as a framework to craft a prosperous or even nigh-utopian nation. Re-reading political philosophy has made me more aware of the contradictions and inequities that lie within the country, driving me to be more politically aware of the current happenings and support people with influence whose goals are to better Indonesia from the micro to macro level.
As for my own efforts, I try to make people more aware of the incongruencies through sharing what I’ve learned and hopefully stir them into the right direction. Unfortunately, like all revolutions and political efforts, it is not simple considering that people are more concerned with their lives but better something than nothing after all.
In the future, I hope to one day join organisations that spread political awareness that directs society towards progressiveness, if I eventually find one that fits. I see these actions as my part in the effort of making Indonesia better as someone with little capital and influence.Whether this labels me as a nationalist in comparison to before is up to the interpretation of the beholder, but there is appeal to a better Indonesia considering that our people have the potential to prosper.
Even if it’s currently just idealism, eventually all things become reality.